Changes to Medicare Infusion and Injection Coding

I just came across a very interesting web site that should proove to be very helpful to those working in medical coding and billing. I found it while surfing the Internet to find any new rules and important changes in coding and billing.

The article is published at Medical News today and titled: Medicare Infusion and Injection Coding/Payment Changes 2005. Here is a brief summary followed by the URL link to the web page so you can read the full article:

There are new rules and regulations that will affect the way healthcare providers code infectious diseases and reimbursement for office-based outpatient infusions and injections provided to Medicare patients.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has issued a series of new temporary "G" codes that replace current infusion codes (90780 and 90781) and other injection codes as of January 1, 2005. The 2006 CPT Manual will incorporate these G codes and make them permanent. These new CPT codes will be published in fall of 2005. While the new infusion codes will make billing more complex, they also describe the work being performed more accurately, which should be beneficial in the long-term.

Read full article at and let me know what you think!

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EOB Question

Today I finally received a comment from a person that was NOT a medical coder or working in the medical billing industry. The form was sent through the Medical Coding and Billing .com web site contact form by the other part of medical coding and billing, the consumer (recipient of medical services). Nice to know, that such a broad audience visits my site and finds it useful as well.

The question was: What exactly is the EOB, I mean, what do the letters stand for.

Simple: EOB is short for Explanation of Benefits which is a notification sent by the medical insurance company administrators after processing a medial insurance claim.

The EOB explains the total amount the health care provider billed for medical services, the amount paid under the insurance contract, and who was paid. Patients should keep a copy of their bills from the health care provider of medical services to compare them to the EOB.

Hope this explains it!

©2005 Advanced Medical Assistant Custom Web Design, LLC. All rights reserved.

Just Discovered the Idea of Blogging!

Hello Medical Coding and Billing professionals!

My name is Danni R., I am the creator and maintainer of the Medical Coding and Billing .com web site. As you know, the Medical Coding and Billing .com web site is a top ranked reference site dedicated to students and professionals in the medical billing and coding profession. It is a featured profssional resource in the Higher Ed McGraw-Hill Medical Assisting Administrative and Clinical Competencies - 2nd Edition to inspire and mobilize individuals entering the medical coding and billing profession to strive to be the best they can be and to help them find resources for their professional and personal development.

To make these services even better, I just spent about 2 hours of researching and reading articles on "bloggers" and "blogging" on the Internet. I was interested in finding a userfriendly tool, other than a chat box, or bulletin board that would allow me to post interesting news, latest trends, ideas, and receive your feedback, and comments! I came to find that a well working, well designed Blog Log dedicated solely to Medical Coders and Billers is the way to go.

Wouldn't you agree?


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